The Steve Jobs myth – obvious lessons
The Steve Jobs myth As Steve Jobs did not invent the iPhone ( Steve Jobs, the sole innovator?), it is also impossible to solve the mysteries which require complex analysis...

The dark side of the attention-based economy
The Dark Side Once upon a time, human needed food and shelter most. Then they lacked security from diseases and wars. They wanted to have love, to join a...

The answer, at last: Sex
No need to add a single word to this article 🙂 : Health Benefits Of Sex ? Frequent Sexual Activity Adds More Meaning To Life, Says Study The original...

The Interbrain: a wi-fi or a net?
Browsing the net Browsing the net I have indirectly run into the new book (about to be released) of Digby Tantam, a British Professor of Psychotherapy. The first traces...

Small in a big place or big in a small place? We are both.
Small in a big place or big in a small place? We are both. Michael Shermer, a renowned author and Presidential Fellow at Chapman University gave valuable comments to...

Are we not so special after all?
Are we not so special after all? Your ability to know what you know or don’t know — and how confident you are in what you think you know —...

Singularity as a Heaven for Humanity?
Heaven for Humanity It was interesting to read about and see the studio discussion of Ray Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering in the SXSW Conference. He is a well-known...

The Interbrain: a wi-fi or a net?
Browsing the net Browsing the net I have indirectly run into the new book (about to be released) of Digby Tantam, a British Professor of Psychotherapy. The first traces...

The Steve Jobs myth – obvious lessons
The Steve Jobs myth As Steve Jobs did not invent the iPhone ( Steve Jobs, the sole innovator?), it is also impossible to solve the mysteries which require complex analysis...

Something brave and clever – which can make us clever as well
Lawrence M. Krauss: The Greatest Story Ever Told–So Far We don’t know whether it is the greatest story ever told or not – but definitely among the most interesting...

Are we not so special after all?
Are we not so special after all? Your ability to know what you know or don’t know — and how confident you are in what you think you know —...

Sides versus Hearts: Review of The Politically Homeless Christian by Aaron Schafer
We live in an age of political divisiveness, which is quite a strange state for a democracy. We are manipulated and lied to by experts, using technology and mass...

Gleb Tsipursky: Find Your Purpose Using Science
One of the books with topic closest to our own experiment and approach (scientific approach to the question of the meaning of life) is Gleb Tsipursky’s “Find Your Purpose...

Human bonding and mother instinct
Human bonding and mother instinct As ScienceDaily reported (ScienceDaily) based on a study published on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS ) the neurotransmitter dopamine is involved in human...

The dark side of the attention-based economy
The Dark Side Once upon a time, human needed food and shelter most. Then they lacked security from diseases and wars. They wanted to have love, to join a...

The answer, at last: Sex
No need to add a single word to this article 🙂 : Health Benefits Of Sex ? Frequent Sexual Activity Adds More Meaning To Life, Says Study The original...

Small in a big place or big in a small place? We are both.
Small in a big place or big in a small place? We are both. Michael Shermer, a renowned author and Presidential Fellow at Chapman University gave valuable comments to...

Meaning of Life – Guest Post from Conscious Evolution
The meaning of life is simply this – to evolve from simple, limited, isolated forms back towards Spirit’s original unbounded state of freedom. And meaningfulness is humanity’s compass for...

Transcendence – Guest Post from Conscious Evolution
When we find meaning in transcending our limitations we are expressing an impulse that has been inherent in the evolutionary process from the big bang onwards. (Guest Podcast from...

Creativity – Guest Post from Conscious Evolution
Cultural evolution isn’t just an analogy for biological evolution. Cultural evolution emerged out of biological evolution, is a continuation of it. (Guest Podcast from the Conscious Evolution initiative) Creativity...

Cooperation – Guest Post from Conscious Evolution
If necessity is the mother of invention, it’s the father of cooperation. (Guest Podcast from the Conscious Evolution initiative) Cooperation (Conscious Evolution)

Meaning – Guest Post from Conscious Evolution
Given a degree of choice in the matter, how should one live in order to be happy? (Podcast from the Conscious Evolution initiative) Meaning (Conscious Evolution)