The answer, at last: Sex
No need to add a single word to this article 🙂 : Health Benefits Of Sex ? Frequent Sexual Activity Adds More Meaning To Life, Says Study The original...
No need to add a single word to this article 🙂 : Health Benefits Of Sex ? Frequent Sexual Activity Adds More Meaning To Life, Says Study The original...
Browsing the net Browsing the net I have indirectly run into the new book (about to be released) of Digby Tantam, a British Professor of Psychotherapy. The first traces...
Genesis: On the Deep Origin of Societies, written by the internationally acclaimed scientist, as well as Pulitzer winner Edward O. Wilson. It is a synthesis and bold undertaking of...
Human bonding and mother instinct As ScienceDaily reported (ScienceDaily) based on a study published on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS ) the neurotransmitter dopamine is involved in human...